Embracing growth & the BLOB

Q&A with Chloe French

As a high school freshman, Chloe suffered a traumatic brain injury that forced her to take a break from athletics and threatened her 4.0 GPA. As a result, she began to feel something was missing in her life, eventually leading her to One Stone.

Now a student at Whitman College, Chloe reflects back on her time at One Stone, how the Growth Transcript guided her learning, and how she came to appreciate the BLOB.

Slingshot Summer Internship 2020

Slingshot Summer Internship 2020

Slingshot is a content creation, product development, and entrepreneurship internship opportunity at One Stone. Interns are responsible for producing video, graphic, and audio content for Two Birds clients. Representing two states, eight high schools, and three colleges, our interns bring a wide variety of skills, interests, and passions to the team.

The Ripple Effect: From Apathy To Passion

The Ripple Effect: From Apathy To Passion

During his summer experience of 2018, Jadon pursued a career interest by apprenticing with a professional knife maker. He quickly decided making knives wasn’t actually what he wanted to do, and in the process, he also learned how to learn. Jadon’s passion for knives quickly rekindled and old interest in medical biology.

Genetics Problem Solving: Alex's journey of discovery

Genetics Problem Solving: Alex's journey of discovery

The main goal for the 23x2: Introduction to Genetics Problem Solving Immersion was to inspire scientific inquiry and foster problem-solving skills in the area of genetics. During the experience, DLab learner Alex K. showed significant growth in scientific inquiry, problem solving, and curiosity by starting with the question, “How can I use genetic problem solving to predict the genetics of offspring in fruit flies?” Here, Alex shares her reflection on the experience, and how it has inspired her to keep learning about genetics.

A Moment of Insight: Sammi's Story

This is a story of insight. Sammi E., a student at Riverstone School, joined One Stone’s Project Good, hoping to make a difference in a little known public health problem: social isolation. At the One Event 2020, Sammi shared her moment of insight, explaining how understanding the residents of a housing development for seniors, veterans and adults with disabilities revealed a meaningful way to brighten their lives.

A Moment of Elevation: Liam's Story

The One Event is about student voice. This year’s theme, The Power of Moments, was a chance for students to share personal stories about the One Stone moments that have changed their lives. Liam N.’s story is about a moment of elevation – a moment that might have otherwise fallen victim to the frailties of memory and simply drifted away with time, but instead became fixed in his mind as something special. Something ELEVATED.

Treefort Trailblazers: Accessibility DLab

Treefort Trailblazers: Accessibility DLab

Treefort is a welcoming music festival that takes place in beautiful downtown Boise every spring. However, according to Treefort’s leadership team, there’s a problem with accessibility.

The Treefort Trailblazers Design Lab Team began by interviewing the festival organizers and also conducted empathy work with students, Treefort attendees, and students who face challenges going to Treefort.

Playing the game of life

Playing the game of life

Adulting is hard.

Writing a check, tying a tie – even executing a confident, professional handshake – are all learned skills. And those are just the relatively little things in life. The big things – like changing a career mid-stream, a serious, sudden illness or a car breakdown and repair – can be downright paralyzing, even for experienced adults.

Harnessing the power of protest

A One Stone learner’s perspective on taking the mic and finding a passion at the podium.

March 15, 2019. Anxiously pacing back and forth, I checked the time. 10:30 am. Time to start. Finally, the moment I had spent every waking minute of the past month planning was here. I nervously walked to the podium, took a deep breath, and began. “Hello, my name is Liam Neupert, I’m 16 years old, and I am the Idaho State lead for the U.S. Youth Climate Strike.”

Seizing Every Opportunity

One Stone learner Carissa V. on taking the leap into real-world problems to create real change.

When I first visited One Stone’s website, it seemed too good to be true.

I saw students working in professional environments, I read stories from students about the opportunities they had to guide their learning, and I saw pictures of the board of directors that was comprised of students like me. At One Stone, students were actually making an impact. They were designing their futures and following their passions. I was so excited, I applied immediately.

Insights from a One Stone Entrepreneur

Insights from a One Stone Entrepreneur

One Stone believes in the power of students to make the world a better place. Here, Daniel K. shares how he monetized his experience with a 3D modeling and rendering program to create a business that helps others.

On November 9th, at 5:15 PM, Lee Timo placed an order for me on Fiverr, one of the world’s most popular freelance platforms. Just a few weeks earlier, I'd posted an offer on the site to get on a Skype call and share my knowledge about Blender, a free 3D modeling and rendering program that I'd spent the past year learning about. Ten bucks, for a one hour call on the ins and outs of Blender. Since no one else was offering this service, I was lucky enough to score a client. Lee was my first.