One Stone’s innovative wayfinding program designed to empower high school students to explore their passions and discover their purpose, while helping them develop the tools and mindset to live and learn with intention. Through engagement in scaffolded wayfinding activities and close supportive mentorship, students design experiences that bring relevance and meaning to their learning.
Pilots of the Living in Beta program show transformative impact — these experiences empower students to develop a greater sense of identity, belonging, purpose, and direction as they test and iterate upon their passions, explore their personal values, and discover their purpose. Check out the pilot results, published in Getting Smart.
What does it mean to LIVe IN BETA?
To live in beta is to accept the idea that no one is ever complete. Inspired by the technical term “beta testing,” which describes the process of piloting and improving a product through continuous iteration, Living in Beta means that no one is ever finished growing, learning, or adding to themselves. As we embrace opportunities to test new ideas, learn from experiences, iterate on who we are, and choose to live with a greater sense of purpose and free will, we are living a life that is in beta.
Living in Beta is a cyclical process defined by moments of exploration, discovery, purpose, and self-actualization. Through living a Life in Beta, we are empowered to live our lives with intention, driven by our values and a greater sense of purpose and direction. In a life in beta, this process repeats itself, allowing us to continue to grow, iterate, pivot, and realize our ever changing passions and sense of purpose.
Learners engage in a personalized wayfinding process and explore ways to connect their interests and talents to real world opportunities.
Engagement in real world experiences empowers learners to prototype and test their curiosities and passions and make key discoveries and insights about themselves.
Through exploration and discovery, learners identify their values and uncover their purpose, bringing clarity, meaning, and direction to their choices and next steps in life.
The moment when a learner realizes his or her full potential, capacities, and talents to become everything he or she is capable of becoming.
The First Stage of Living in Beta
Students begin their journey in Living in Beta through a rich process of personal exploration, where students engage in a number of activities designed to help them identify and explore their passions, interests, curiosities, and skills. As they move through this process, students develop a better understanding of how to leverage their unique strengths and talents to realize their potential and engage their passions to the fullest extent. Through close mentorship and support, learners build trust and vulnerability with their advisors and peers while they explore ways to connect their passions to their learning and seek opportunities to test their passions. Whether it’s through designing passion projects, engaging in internships, or seeking extra-curricular opportunities in their community, learners engage their passions in real-world and relevant learning experiences and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the aspects of their passions that give them a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Second Stage of Living in Beta
In the Discovery stage, learners find themes within their passions and make key insights about themselves and what fulfills them. As they reflect, dig deep, and ask challenging questions of themselves, they discover the driving force of their passions while learning what motivates them most in life. Along the way, they discover their values and what is most important for them in life. Some will discover “imposter passions” - passions that are not theirs, but are the manifestation of pressures and expectations that influence their choices. As they make new discoveries, they continue to find opportunities to connect their passions to real-world experiences so that they may continue testing those passions to learn more about themselves.

Student Driven &
Experience-Based Discovery
Students drive their learning in the Discovery stage by designing experiences that are purposeful and relevant to them. They become designers of their own learning, working alongside their coaches and advisors to create personalized goals for learning and growth. Through meaningful and intentional opportunities like internships, job shadows, paid jobs, professional training and certifications, and personal passion projects, students practice finding, engaging, and reflecting on their experiences. Along the way, they continue to explore their passions and find their purpose.
Tessa Simonds’ application video for her 2017 SxSW talk in Austin, Texas.
Putting Passion into Practice
When you think about job opportunities for high schoolers, what comes to mind? Lifeguarding, nannying, maybe food service? But what about research assistant? Laboratory technician? Virtual reality guide?
We all have to start somewhere. But young people deserve opportunities to grow their skills in emerging careers and fields that interest them, in ways that set them up for future success.
Real World Partners
Adventures in Boise
Aquarium of Boise
Agency for New Americans
The Ballet Alliance
Big Brothers/Big Sisters
Bogus Basin
Boise Chamber of Commerce
Boise City Arts and Culture
Boise City Public Works
Boise Police Department
City of Boise-Energize Program
Create Common Good
CTA Architects
Deliberate Directions
Drake Cooper
Dreamhaven Ranch
Faces of Hope
Learning Lab
Love Every
Making Sense film project
Ming Art
Mobile Market
Ms. Greyhat
Parks and Recreation
Rolling Hills Public Charter School
Ronald McDonald House
Saint Alphonsus
Sawtooth Orthotics
St. Luke's (cyber security)
Under the Table
Valley Regional Transit/Bike share
Vivid Roots
VR1 Arcade
Wassmuth Center
Wild Hearts Idaho
Winter Wildlands Alliance
Zoo Boise
FBN Design
Future Public School
Gates of Hope
Gem State Family Eyecare
Girls on the Run
Greenspeed Research
Happy Family Organics
Harmon Smith Financial Group
Idaho Botanical Garden
Idaho Children's Trust Fund
Idaho Commission on the Arts
Idaho Humane Society
Idaho Independent Bank
Idaho Office of Refugees
Idaho Power
Idaho Transportation Department
In Time Tec
Jannus/Economic Opportunity

interested in empowering student passion and purpose?
The Third Stage of Living in Beta
As learners enter the Purpose stage of the Living in Beta program, they have had ample opportunity to explore their passions through meaningful and relevant experiences. They have reflected deeply and have made key insights regarding themes they have found between their many passions, interests and curiosities, and have learned ways to actively design and engage learning and growth opportunities that are both meaningful and purposeful to them. With these experiences in hand, learners are now able to articulate their purpose in a powerful “WHY” statement and connect their WHY with their personal and professional values. While it should be expected that both their purpose and values will evolve with time, they have taken the first step in developing the tools and mindset they will need to live a life of purpose and intention.
How might we pursue our passions and live and learn
with purpose and intention?
Self-Actualization is a state in which full personal potential is achieved. Abraham Maslow (1943) described this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be. As learners enter this stage of Living in Beta, they have fervently explored their passions and realized their potential. They have made discoveries that have empowered them to better understand themselves as well as the ways in which they can pursue their passions and live and learn with both purpose and intention. They have created a tool kit for life, filled with the skills, mindset, and experiences that will empower them to continually iterate upon who they are and who they want to be.

How might we express who we are with confidence?
The Curation of Me is the result of a process of deep reflection and introspection. The Curation of Me presentation is the student’s opportunity to tell their story of growth— through the challenges, successes, and revelations they experienced along the way. It is the manifestation of the students fulfillment of their talents and potentialities. Through the Curation of Me, students take ownership and pride in who they have become and where they are going, sharing the tools and experiences they have collected to guide them through the next stages of their life. In this final stage of Beta, learners
“Upon completion of their One Stone experience, students present The Curation of Me, a cumulative portfolio of work and reflection of growth. Their stories are heartwarming, deeply emotional, and powerful. Each presentation is unique, but they are all filled with pride, gratitude, hope, and vulnerability. The Curation of Me is the ultimate display of student voice.” – Teresa Poppen, One Stone Executive Director