Paralellenting: Kid and parent learning

A Fall 2019 DLab Case Study

The Parallelenting team has been working with Jody Malterre from Parent Teacher Coach. Parent Teach Coach is an organization that works to create positive dynamics at home and at school through classes for parents.

In their first discussion with Jody, the team learned that parents often felt guilty for leaving their kids with a babysitter during the class, and there was no structure to the childcare program during previous classes. With these insights, the team created their How Might We question: “How might we translate complex parenting strategies for kids through hands-on activities?” The team wanted to create an experience that would parallel the strategies Jody taught the parents so that they could be better implemented at home. The team designed a CALM box with a variety of strategies that the kids can use to prevent themselves from “flipping their lids.” During the class, kids filled their boxes with different strategies to use at home. The team hopes that their recent prototype will have a positive impact on family dynamics. They hope to provide more classes to a broad range of people in the future, including refugees and people experiencing homelessness.

Design Team: Hannah L., Ty N., Cassidy F., Piper M-P., Declynn B.
