2023-2024 Schedules
One Stone high school schedules are designed by students and coaches to best reflect the academic, social, and professional needs and wants of our learners, while also ensuring they develop the problem solving, management, ownership, and communication skills necessary to thrive today and in the future. The fall 2023 and spring 2024 schedules varied slightly. However, both terms combined aspects of a typical college student’s schedule and a professional work schedule.
Every student’s schedule looks different, but has a similar framework depending on their graduation plan. It is a combination of student-driven learning; recurring learning experiences; group meetings; individual appointments with mentors and coaches; focused time; leadership and professional work opportunities; and/or time dedicated to wellness, passion-based learning, personal wayfinding, or skill development. New to One Stone this year is Flex Lab, a significant block of time on Tuesdays designed to provide students with both freedom and structure to learn, practice, and grow in highly individualized ways.
Four Different Students.
Four Different Schedules.
The students profiled below vary in age and experience, but they also differ in their academic goals and needs, as well as their personal interests. These four schedules are representative of what students’ schedules can look like. Click on the images below to view how their schedules compare and contrast.
How does it all work?
Students work closely with their mentors to plan their schedules, ensuring each student is engaging in meaningful, challenging, and relevant learning experiences that are appropriate for their academic, social, emotional, and professional backgrounds and post-graduation goals. One Stone encourages students to design and plan their schedules in order to pursue after-school activities, sports, arts, and work opportunities that align with their goals for growth. Schedules provide students with both voice and choice, as well as the opportunity to develop agency. They are customized and personalized based on the student’s level of experience at Lab51, as well as their desire to grow, ownership, and management skills, while taking into account the graduation requirements that are specific to a 4-year, 3-year, or 2-year journey at One Stone.