How might we create good to make students better leaders and the world a better place?
“Hands Down, Voices Up is a movement for change. It will connect One Stone learners with students and supportive adults from around the country, which will be a great opportunity for us all to create change on a larger scale.”
Forging an army of good, for good. That’s One Stone’s vision and the driving force behind Hands Down, Voices Up – A Summit to Empower Student Voice at JUMP in Boise, Idaho from October 23-25. The interactive gathering for students and a supportive adults will focus on three ideas: how to inspire, practice and create good.
After spending the first part of the summit exploring ways to inspire and practice good, attendees will take action to create good. Students will use design thinking to identify and select three issues where they’d like to implement change, according to Megan Kittridge, One Stone Design Thinking Coach and Change Maker.
“We don’t know what it is they’ll choose to take action on, and that’s okay,” says Kittridge. “The adults at the summit won’t be there to tell them what those three things should be, but they’ll support and guide them in creating good, by connecting them with the right resources or networks.”
The summit is being spearheaded by a 10-person team of student organizers, who will help guide attendees through the change-making process. Ultimately, they say, Hands Down, Voices Up will be the first step in a larger movement to create good around the country.
“Hands Down, Voices Up is a movement for change,” says JD Rice, One Stone learner and HDVU team member. “It will connect One Stone learners with students and supportive adults from around the country, which will be a great opportunity for us all to create change on a larger scale.”
Ready to join the conversation and create good? Join us at JUMP in Downtown Boise from October 23-25.