Ryann Ruehman — One Stone

Ryann Ruehman

bethegoodartifact - Ryann Ruehman.jpg

I am constantly inspired by my Project Good, Empow[her]. But, so far the thing that has stood out the most to me is (her)story. This is something we have started doing recently at our meetings. One person in the group will research and make a presentation about a woman who has made an impact in their personal life or been someone they look up to. My artifact is a photo of the slide from a (her)story about Princess Diana. This was one of my favorite stories told so far. Princess Diana was an advocate for so many things, like HIV/AIDS awareness, banning landmines, and women's rights. This inspires me to make an effort in advocating for causes I am passionate about. I love getting to hear stories about amazing women throughout history, as well as get to know the people who influence and inspire my peers.