A photo from on top of the foothills where I did a lot journaling and reflecting.
My name is Ryan Huestis and I’m a design lab year two student. One of the things I value highly in life, and is a big part of my T-popper is health. Improving my overall wellbeing has led to a greater appreciation, enjoyment, and ambitiousness for life. When thinking about something I could share that would be beneficial for other people, the first thing I thought of was this essay I wrote in the human (nature) immersion. There, we spent a lot of time outside reflecting, hiking, and generally being more in-tune with ourselves while out in nature. As I was spending time outdoors, it dawned upon me that my overall levels of “happiness” were much higher. Along with having looked into this before, I decided to write about the ways in which living more naturally could possibly help in various aspects of life. To “do good” in my opinion means to do something virtuously. This can mean doing something even though you do not want to do it, or having an inclination to do things with the interest of other people in mind. I believe this essay captures the essence of that, because it is in a way a little guide I’ve made to becoming an improved version of yourself. One of the things that has always bothered me in life is people who don’t or cannot live up to their potential. Through knowing people and reading a bit, I’ve noticed a commonality in that what’s often holding people back from living a more fulfilling life is that the “simple” things cannot be set in order. As stated earlier, the thought process here is that if you’re able to work on your physical and mental condition, this can have a great compound effect and positively improve other parts of your life. To sum up what I’m saying, especially over these last 10 weeks, I’ve learned a great deal about health and adopting a better mindset for myself. Being able to help people with certain information pertaining to health definitely lines up with my passions. If this is something I can continue to do in the future, that would be great. Ideally, this essay would help people, especially during these times. I hope it can be of service to you. Thanks.