How might we spark an interest in high school students to explore their passions and connect them to careers?
The SparQ team designed a one-day event for high school sophomores and juniors to explore the idea of passion and purpose in their lives and future careers. At SparQ, approximately 20 students had the opportunity to discover their potential, connect with professionals in various fields of interest, and explore possibilities for their future.
Participants took the 16 Personalities Quiz (a Myers-Briggs type personality test) prior to attending, and then worked with Rochelle DeLong from Consilio to understand the value of self-awareness. After lunch in Julia Davis Park, participants were able to speak with a diverse set of professionals from the Boise-area about how they ended up where they are and the role passion plays in their lives. These small, round table discussions were intimate and informative, providing the high school students with impactful personal accounts of the many ways one can pursue passion within and outside of one’s career.
Students also heard from Tonja Dyke, Customer Relations & Energy Efficiency at Idaho Power, to learn about her personal story and to understand that not all paths to finding your purpose and passion are straightforward.
Lastly, participants met with each other and reflected on their day. Everyone received a workbook thoughtfully designed by the SparQ team to encourage meaningful and useful reflection. The team hoped that this takeaway would provide participants with a tool to continue thinking about what skills and talents they bring to their work and what brings them happiness and meaning.
90% of participants felt that the 16 Personalities Quiz helped them understand themselves better.
80% of participants found new career possibilities that they had never considered previously.
Participants described the event as “eye-opening,” “beneficial,” and “enlightening.”
What did participants have to say in their own words?
“SparQ showed me there are endless possibilities of what I could do.”
“I learned that my future is so open, and I don’t have to know what to do right now.”
“SparQ showed me that I need to explore many options and opportunities to select the best fit.”
Professionals at the event commented on the uniqueness and need for this type of opportunity for high school students. They remarked on how much they enjoyed connecting with the students and were eager to help again in the future.