How might we improve literacy skills in underserved first and second graders?
Open Book Adventures is One Stone’s longest running project, serving neighboring kids and building a love of literacy by pairing younger ‘Buddies’ with One Stone team ‘Adventure Guides’. Once a week for five weeks the pairs of Buddies and Adventure Guides spend time reading, writing and playing active games. Open Book Adventures provides modeling of a love of literacy for young kids and leadership opportunities for One Stone members. Many One Stone members have shared that their experience as an OBA Adventure Guide is the most rewarding experience they have at One Stone.
This session was themed around the five senses. Buddies and their guides spent each week building vocabulary related to a sense, reading stories, and writing observations about the world around them. Each week provided a different lense through which to experience their surroundings with snacks, games, books and writing prompts all relating to the theme.
The session ended with a graduation celebration. Each student received a book and certificate of awesomeness for completing the program. Each One Stone Adventure Guide shared a highlight they had with their buddy and celebrated achievements with the families of their buddies. Big thanks to Boise Sunrise Rotary for helping make this program possible!
This Open Book Adventures session exceeded everyone’s expectations by achieving the best outcomes yet with an average 187% increase in reading proficiency from week 1 to week 5. Wow! Buddies were reading correctly nearly triple the amount of words in grade level testing by week 5!
100% of parents surveyed reported that their child was excited to attend Open Book Adventures sessions and that each child enjoyed spending time with his or her Adventure Guide.