How might we use the outdoor space at the Good Samaritan Home to build community amongst residents?
The Lot of Hope team initially set out to work with a local assisted living home, but due to circumstances beyond their control, had to look elsewhere. After focusing in on the Good Samaritan Home as a project partner, the team set out to understand the issues at the home and empathize with the residents. Moving through the design thinking process, the team hosted a Family Feud game with the residents and shared a meal to foster a relationship and understand what the residents wanted the outdoor space to be.
The team was able to develop a list of projects that would build community using outdoor space. These projects included cleaning and revamping the smoking shed(s), removing weeds, painting flowers and veggies in the previously donated and unused planter boxes, sanding and painting the deck, making and painting new benches, planting flowers around the building, and removing trash/recycling. The two months leading up to the implementation consisted of refining which projects were most important, planning out the implementation day, and constructing benches in the Foundry.
On May 20, 2018, the team successfully implemented the space renovation at the Good Samaritan Home. Despite inclement weather, the team was able to complete all desired projects requested by residents and staff members. Both the residents at the Good Samaritan Home and the staff have expressed gratitude for the work done by the One Stone team.
Two benches built, sanded and finished by students.
10 gallons of paint used to refinish the deck.
Four truck bed loads of recycling taken to the recycling center, all proceeds went back to the Good Samaritan Home.
Four raised planter beds were built and filled with veggies and flowers.
“You made our day and redesigned the outside areas into clean, neat wonderful spaces that encourages the residents to want to enjoy and even want to participate in gardening chores.” –Peg Richards, Executive Director of the Good Samaritan Home
“I’m so proud of all the change we did in one day – even when it rained.” –One Stone member Maeve Pierson