How might we express gratitude for under-appreciated school staff at North Junior High?
Tasked with the challenge of improving the “back-to-school” experience, a team of high schoolers was interested in expressing gratitude for school staff who are typically under-appreciated by students. The group began considering the staff members on which they wanted to focus their efforts by interviewing a special education teacher who works in behavioral classes, as well as Dylan, the head of janitorial staff at North Junior High.
When speaking with Dylan, the team was astounded to learn about the incredible amount of hours these “behind-the-scenes heroes” work over the students’ summer vacation to make sure the school is prepped and ready for a new school year.
The team set to work on brainstorming unique ways to acknowledge the hard work of North’s janitorial crew. Ultimately they decided to plan a “gratitude breakfast” on the junior high’s lawn honoring the custodial staff. The team prepared a filling breakfast of pancakes, eggs, fruit, muffins, bacon, and more, and sat down to share a meal and build relationships with their new friends. Both students and guests loved having conversations with people who they typically wouldn't have talked to in depth. During breakfast, the Boise High School Chamber Orchestra played some classical tunes to keep the mood light and fun. At the end of breakfast, the team prepared a thank you speech for their guests and presented personalized gift buckets to each member of the janitorial staff.
After the project, the Breakfast and Buckets team reflected on how their interactions had changed with people who were typically behind the scenes in our community. This could mean janitors, bus drivers, other school staff, or mail deliverers. They realized that even a simple, "How are you?" or asking for someone’s name could change the trajectory of that person’s day.
The staff at North Junior High were really appreciative and surprised by the team's efforts. They loved the table set up, the food, and the gift baskets.
“Working on this project helped me realize how important janitorial staff are to our schools, and how often they are looked over. It was awesome being able to show them how much we, and other students, appreciate their work and see the effects our project had on them.”
- Student planning team member