Hi, I’m Sara Ziegler, a DLab student at One Stone. My mission at One Stone is to pursue adventure and experiences that bring me closer to my vision. I love adventure, taking risks, and seeking experiences that you would not always have automatically stumbled across. Some notable things on my T-Popper include travel, science, storytelling, literature, cinema, marine biology, philosophy, culture, art, & foreign language. I was able to incorporate the science & storytelling elements of my T-Popper heavily into my artifact for the Land+Scape+Water+Color immersion, which was my first immersion at One Stone. Doing Good to me means to help the environment, seek valuable interactions with people, build/help a community, and to be there for people. My Land+Scape+Water+Color artifact represents how I want to be the Good because it represents my love for science and storytelling and portraying science’s importance through the use of storytelling. Climate change and a dying Earth breaks my heart, and if I can make this cause understood through the use of nature I am happy to be able to do this. It also breaks my heart how little people care for nature. I have literally heard people say “Nature is horrible,” and that is simply not how humans were meant to live. Through this artifact I aimed to explore the relationship between plants and water through the exchange of letters between a research student in Brazil and her grandmother, who lives in Boise. It was such an interesting format to me because I was able to explore the beauty of the Idaho landscape, especially its waterscapes, through fresh eyes and it was very enlightening. I hope this inspires others to have a deep love for Idaho’s landscapes even if they find themselves miles upon miles away in the future. It is important to love the Earth because that is where we came from, and to love the exact place where we came from. I have learned so much about my stand-point on nature the last ten weeks, both through the Land+Scape+Water+Color immersion and the human (nature) immersion, when my viewpoints and love for nature deepened to a philosophical level. I have loved exploring science, art, nature, and storytelling, and doing Good at One Stone this year!