Some of the most important parts of my T-Popper are art, nature, and people. I was able to put these things into practice when I went to the Boys and Girls Club to work with and support a younger kid who is trying to work through elementary school online while going through the COVID crisis. My artifact reflects that because it includes activities my Boys and Girls Club buddy Charlie and I did, which involved art, nature, and talking to each other in-person. To do good means to help someone or something whether it be to cheer them up, or to give them something they may need. My artifact is a picture of a soccer ball with leaf rubbings on it and a collage of pictures to represent the different activities me and Charlie did together such as running, leaf rubbings, and playing soccer. The leaf rubbings on the soccer ball aren’t any of the ones Charlie did because he brought all of his pictures home, but I colored the ones one the soccer ball. The experience reflects what it means to do good because I was helping a kid by just having fun with him for a little bit and making him smile. My artifact reflects what it means to do good because it shows the different things we did together, even with the challenges we face. The experience this artifact is based on represents what good I want to do in the world because I want to make others happy and while we were playing around, I think he was happy. This experience inspires others to do good because playing soccer, making leaf rubbings, and racing Charlie was a very enjoyable experience. Just doing those simple things for a bit brought a lot of joy in these hard times that we all are facing, some more than others. He was a very energetic and outgoing kid, which helped me bring more energy into playing with him. Spending time with Charlie and seeing him happy was a very nice and heartwarming experience. I have learned that I love to see others happy and cheerful when they’re able to in these hard times.