Doing good to me means doing something to help others or yourself for no real reason other than simply doing it to be good. Doing good is being nice, it is giving back. There is not necessarily a reward you get from doing good, you do good for other people because it is the right thing to do. The benefit is feeling happy, and proud that you did something good, though the main goal shouldnt be your own benefit. My artifact represents a halloween event that I was a part of and contributed to. I feel very proud of my work in this event because I know we did a lot of good. We invited people to play games that we designed for free. The goal was to create a fun family experience during a time where it is hard to connect with other people and still feel safe. We got a lot of good feedback, and seeing people having fun playing the game I helped design, and hearing parents tell me how happy they were that we did this makes me feel like I did a lot of good. This experience represents the kind of good I want to do in the world, and put out in the world, because it is something people remember. It was not necessarily a big problem, but we wanted to help the best we can and support our community in a time of need, and when we looked into it we realized how important Halloween is for young children developing skills. I hope that this inspires other people to look into their community and think of the things they can do to help. In my first 10 weeks at One Stone, I've learned that I am capable of a lot more than I think I am, my passions have grown, and I feel like in a very small way I might have helped people.