I’m Garrett Packer. I’m a Dlab year one student and for my artifact, I chose to share about my music experience. I was in the Sound of Music immersion and for it, we were able to make music on Logic Pro X. At first, it wasn’t easy for me and I wasn’t too good at it. I couldn’t always reach my expectations for what I wanted to do. I had to start over a lot but the more and more I kept trying the more I was learning. At the beginning of the immersion, I couldn’t even make a decently good sounding beat, and by the end, I still wasn’t all that good but compared to the start and the end, progress, and growth had definitely been made. I can relate it a lot to skateboarding in the sense that when you first start it isn’t the easiest thing and can definitely be frustrating but as long as you keep trying and pushing yourself to do better you start getting closer to where you want to be. You’ve just got to give it time and know that not all things will come easy. Despite the fact that I wasn’t all that good, it was still something I enjoyed doing and that’s also what made me want to keep trying to get better. This growth mindset and ability to fail forward are some of the components that have been central to my learning at One Stone and even outside of One Stone. To me, doing good is going out and spreading love for others, even to those that may not even love you back. Doing good is not always just what we are doing but also our intentions for whatever cause we may be supporting. Going out and serving others and not expecting anything in return is good. To do good though it doesn’t always have to be towards others, we can also do good towards ourselves. I think this experience taught me to not stop trying and I think we should push others to do the same and not let them give up on their goals and dreams. Over the past ten weeks I learned more about my passion for music and where my interests are geared towards within the topic of music. I don’t just enjoy listening to it but taking the time to make it as well. Now I will share with you guys an original piece of music that I created on Logic Pro X during the immersion. I hope you enjoy.