Empow[HER] Spring

How might we empower young women to use their voice to create a better world for themselves and others?

In spring of 2020, the Empow[HER] team hosted three different workshops focused on exploring, creating, and embracing self. The goal of these workshops was to create a space where 7th and 8th grade girls had the chance to foster connection with other girls and women in our community, as well as to build confidence in themselves. Due to COVID-19, the team was only able to hold the first workshop in person and had to pivot to a virtual option for the last two workshops.

In the first session, Exploring You, high school students partnered up with members of the Empow[HER] planning team and participated in a scavenger hunt around Boise. They facilitated a conversation around self-care and participants received self-care bingo sheets to complete on their own.

The second workshop, Creating You, was hosted on Google Meet. Participants reflected on things they were thankful for and decorated gratitude boxes. The planning team issued a challenge to the participants to go for a walk on their own time and take pictures to share with the group at the next workshop.

Embracing You was the final workshop and it began with hand-delivered care packages to participants’ homes. The girls participated in a virtual fashion show, played charades, and were prompted to journal on self-discovery and being yourself. The final activities were making friendship bracelets and a synchronous viewing of The Parent Trap movie.