Silas Aldridge

EACBED5E-DF80-4EAF-AA92-7B48CCAE73A0 - Silas Aldridge.JPG

These past few months have been some of the most confusing, strange, and awesome times of my life. I’ve tried so many new things at One Stone and found a deep passion for the outdoors. It’s interesting to think back on how this year has affected me, everything from good to bad, to weird and cool, it’s all happened. Throughout it all, I’ve been focusing hard on personal growth, and finding ways of spending time that I enjoy and are fulfilling. One of those is painting. I made this painting with lots on my mind, which I tried to illustrate through art style and color combinations. Through the medium of art a lot can be said with very little words, and that’s what I wanted to accomplish with this painting. This being my first year at One Stone, my personal goals this year have been to find what I truly enjoy doing, and to keep up on what I already know I enjoy doing. I had the first couple layers of paint on the canvas for a long time before I started any actual work on the thing, a product of lack of motivation to finish what had been started a long time ago. A feeling I think many can relate to during this time. As soon as I started it back up I remembered how much I like painting, which reminded me of my goal to keep pursuing what I am interested in and passionate about. After a couple days I finished the painting exactly how I wanted it. I wanted to capture the feeling of uncertainty through the spiral. This project along with both of my immersions have inspired me to Be the Good by investing in climate actions, and taking more advantage of the resources available to reach my goals. Overall this was a great quarantine project that brought me closer to my goals, and One Stone.