Nicholas Howard

My name is Nick Howard, and I'm interested in guitar and coding. My personal vision for the future is to encourage good, safe, and fun education for local youth, in a way that is adapted for any circumstances. For Halloween, our X-lab group decided to host a special parking lot arcade as an alternative to trick-or-treating. This seemed like a way to serve the community, since covid-19 has changed the way we do things. We hosted a safe and fun arcade, with student-made booths. We designed this event mainly for children, since Halloween is important to children. Our team decided to make a booth that consisted of making paper airplanes and throwing said planes through different obstacles. This event correlated with my personal vision because we were navigating an obstacle (covid) while supplying a fun and creative Halloween event. Doing good, isn’t just doing. It includes putting effort and meaning into your work. If all we did was pay a company to do our work for us the activity wouldn’t have had the same impact. We worked on this project for weeks, and the time and effort we invested made the activity impactful. It was a valuable and safe Halloween experience. Each of our booths were handcrafted and thought out. We chose these booths because we found them enjoyable, so we knew the kids would also enjoy them. I don’t think any of us actually have planned events before, but since we all voted on doing this project, and cared for the end product, we were able to achieve something all of us are proud of, and something the kids will remember.