Kayla Klein

The past few months have been some of the most eye opening times I have ever had. Applying to college has truly been an emotional rollercoaster. I anticipated it would be easy and quick, but instead I have spent countless hours reflecting on who I am and how my high school experiences have shaped me. This process made me appreciate One Stone even more than I did before… which I thought was impossible. Never in my life I have felt so lucky to be a part of something until I fell in love with OS. I have made contributions to my community that I never would have otherwise and have been shown what it means to be believed in. Because of One Stone I have grown into the young woman I always dreamed of being. While I am excited to start a new chapter in my life, it also brings me great sadness to think I will be moving on from what I have now. I wish that I could stay here forever. But I can’t. I know that the future has so many good things in store for me, and I will be ready to embrace them along with the challenges of life. I know that I am ready for anything because the One Stone community has prepared me for the road ahead and for that I am forever grateful. After taking these couple months to look back on my time and experiences at OS, I am overwhelmed with all of the things I have contributed to my community and all of the GOOD I bring to each and every experience. This college essay is representative of the idea of “Be the Good” because it shows how I have embodied that through hard work and grit over time.